October 25th


We have been learning about congruency and symmetry in math
We have started our multiplication unit. Please practice basic multiplication facts up to 9x9
We are finishing up our unit in Light and Shadow in Science. We played a Jeopardy game to review the concepts and had a quiz in class.
All Grade 4 classes will have a student teacher joining their class from Nov 12th to Dec 12th. Our class was able to meet our student teacher Miss Yost


October 31st - Grade 4 Halloween party. Students will be able to dress up in costumes after lunch. Please NO masks, bloody/violent costumes, weapons or treats. There will be a room available with alternate activities for those students who do not wish to participate in the Halloween activities.

Starting this year, we have been attempting to reduce our SVS ecological footprint by moving towards a “Pack In and Pack Out” philosophy.  Once a student has eaten their lunch or snack, the packaging of that item will be put back into lunch kits and returned home for recycling. In continuing to support this positive change, please provide a locking baggie for items such as apple cores, yogurt tubes etc. The baggie will be returned home with the student each day for composting at home and then should be added back into the lunch kit for the next day.  Help us make a difference!

SVS Pumpkinella!
Get your family together and join in the fun for SVS's Pumpkinella! Design, carve or dress up a pumpkin to bring for display. ONLY ONE DISPLAY PER FAMILY! Bring your pumpkin to the DLC after school on Wednesday  October 30th or the morning of Thursday October 31st from 8:20-8:40am. The pumpkin may have a safer journey if they are not brought to school on the bus.  If you could add a tea-light to the center of your pumpkin, it will add to a special effect when placed in the gym. Classes will tour  the gym throughout the day to enjoy your efforts. Pumpkins MUST be picked up to go home by Thursday between 4:00 and 5:00pm. Any pumpkins left at school will be composted.

Please check your online account to check if you have paid for our upcoming field trip to Heritage Park. You will find them on your account https://sis.cbe.ab.ca/public/home.html

November 1st - Non Instructional Day