We now have the school year's lunches/snacks available to order in our Hot Lunch system. You can go in and order the whole year all at once if you like! Here is the link to the hot lunches system for your convenience: https://simonsvalleyelementary.hotlunches.net .
Please note below is a list of all the lunches and snacks for the 2019/2020 school year. For all orders the latest you can pay for orders will be the week before the lunch/snack date. The first lunch is coming up on October 17th and if you would like for your child(ren) to participate in this lunch, you need to pay for your order by Thursday, October 10th, 2019.
Hot Lunch/Snack dates 2019/2020:
- October 17th – Little Caesars
- November 7th – Subway
- November 28th – Mucho Burrito
- December 16th – Popcorn
- January 16th – Little Caesars
- February 12th – Subway
- March 5th – Little Caesars
- April 2nd – Wok Box
- April 20th – Popcorn
- May 14th – Little Caesars
Thank you,
Your SVS Fundraising Coordinators
Your SVS Fundraising Coordinators