March 6th
-In math we have finished our Fractions unit and have moved on to Decimals.
-We hope everyone is well on their way with their Heritage projects. We look forward to our Celebration of Learning on Thursday, March 12th where all our wonderful projects will be on display.
-SVS Winter Sports Day is on Friday, March 13th from 12:00-1:15. If you are able to volunteer, please let Ms. Latham know asap.
-The Heritage project that is due on Wednesday March 11th and will be presented/shared on Thursday March 12th. Here are some important details regarding the project:
In class time to work on the project will be given to students in 4A/C the week of March 9nd - March 11th. Please have students bring the information and materials they need to work on their project on Monday March 9th.
-Students need a visual presentation, if your family requires support to buy some supplies please contact your students teacher. They can create a poster, trifold, powerpoint presentation, scrapbook, etc..
-If you are looking for a way to digitize the family tree portion of this assignment, have a look at this website:
-There will be 2 parts of the Heritage Fair that you can plan to attend on March 12th
March 12th from 1:45pm to 3:15pm
March 12th from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
-Parent teacher Interviews March 19th and March 20th (You will be booking 15 minute time slots for a private interview)
Interview times on March 19th 2:30pm - 4:30pm and 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Interview times on March 20th 9:00am - 12:30pm
-Thursday March 19th - early dismissal at 1:30
-Friday March 20th - No School
-Spring Break from Monday March 23rd - Friday March 27th
-2019 Child Care Tax Receipts to be given to students this week. These tax receipts are distributed to those parents that have paid for the lunch program. In past years parents would have received two Tax receipts, January-June and September-December.
-However, 2019 Child Care Tax Receipts distribution will differ. This is a transition year, where CBE are introducing a new fees management system. Therefore schools are provided with 2019 January - June receipts from the old system to send to parents. The 2019 August - December tax receipts can be downloaded by parents from the new system.