Hi Parents

Welcome to week 7 of isolation. We hope that you are doing alright and are getting outside to enjoy the sunshine we have been having. We know that mental health is a real concern as we walk through these difficult days. If your family is struggling, please reach out to us for help. We can reduce work loads or connect you with resources in our community that can provide support.

If your family is struggling or looking for support please note upcoming free webinars for parents. 
  • Kids Have Stress Too
  • Crisis Survival Skills: Supporting your Child and Teen during Stressful Times
  • Taming Anxiety Gremlins: Avoiding anxiety traps while promoting resilience
  • Mindfulness as an Anxiety Management Tool
  • Emotional Regulation Using Mindfulness


Going forward, students will be receiving 2 Jump Math lessons and a quiz each week. Please ensure that they go through the lessons and complete the work before attempting the quiz.

Social Studies and Language Arts 

For the next few weeks we are integrating Social Studies into Language Arts. Yours students will be doing research on Alberta regions. Students should continue to journal daily and be prepared to show their journal on Monday class meetings. 


Students will be continuing to complete their observations of their experiment for the next few weeks.