Hello Grade 4 Parents

Can you believe we areentering our 11th week of isolation? It’s crazy to think that students have been away from our building for that long. We certainly miss having their physical presence and look forward to seeing them again in our classrooms and hallways. We hope that you are all well, and that you are finding some success with our ongoing learning program. 

As such, we would appreciate your feedback as we enter the last 5 weeks of school. Please click on the following link https://forms.gle/DkD7a2JA5seN1iup9 to complete a short survey. We know that it’s not always easy tos tay on top of assignments, so we are seeking your input to try to improve how our online learning system. As always, you are in charge of what your child is completing. You have full discretion to lower/increase the workload for your child if they are finding it challenging to keep up with or it they are requiring more. 

Food Drive:
Reminder that SVS is having a food drive this week. If you are able, please drop non-perishable food items off at the school on Wednesday or Thursday of this week. Thank you so much!

Our animal research project that we started last week is continuing this week.  We will be focusing on animal characteristics, and your child will need to expand upon the information that they have already found. Every week, we will be expanding on another topic they touched on with their mind map. Our plan is to slowly expand their research on an individual topic (or two) each week until they are done the project.

Thanks goes to one of our wonderful parents for passing on this fantastic video about Alberta’s bottle recycling program. Students need to watch the video, then complete the 10 question quiz about what they watched.

We are moving onto our unit on Area this week. This will be a lighter set of math lessons with no quiz this week. Enjoy the break. J

Students will continue to practice their inferencing skills. They have been given another mystery that must read and try to solve, using the clues from the text and their background knowledge. We are looking for answers to be written in complete sentences.

Mrs. Neumiller

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