Hello Grade 4 Parents
We have finally made it to June! Thank you for all of your hard work and sticking with our online learning. We are in the final countdown! This is what we have planned for this week...
Our Animal Research Project continues this week. We will be focusing on the animal’s habitat and life cycle for this week. There is a video and guide attached that will guide your child through the next step and what needs to be completed. Keep in mind, they are just doing more in depth work on the same animal each week, they are not choosing a new animal.
As a finish up to our unit on Waste and our World we will be examining product packaging and its impact on the environment. Students will need to watch a video and then choose products from home where they can evaluate the packaging.
There is one math lesson and one quiz this week and then AREA will be finished! Enjoy! :)
We currently have two novel ‘read alouds’ going on. The Lightning Thief, and Bob. Literacy for the next few weeks will simply be the students listening to me read one of them, their choice which one.